Assure compliance with all applicable safety precautions set forth in TM
1--1500--335--23 (Non--Destructive Inspection Methods Manual). A hazard asso-
ciated with exposure to ionizing radiation is that serious injury can be inflicted with-
out pain, burning, or other sense of discomfort during the exposure period. Radi-
ation protection shall be used utilized in accordance with AR 11--9.
The laser light beam is dangerous and can cause blindness if it enters the eye
either directly or reflected from a surface. Personnel should wear approved laser
protection whenever in controlled area when laser rangefinder or laser target des-
ignators are being used. Laser shall be used only in controlled area by qualified
The use of alternate radiographic equipment must be approved by the NDI POC
at paragraph 16c. Alternate radiographic equipment must meet the required 2T
sensitivity requirements.
e. NDT Inspection Procedure:
(1) Safe helicopter IAW para 13 a, b.
(2) Develop a "safe" radiation location for required X--ray exposures of tail rotor blades.
(3) Preparation of Tail Rotor Blade: Shall be free of any loose dirt or contaminants, which may
generate film artifacts. Partial inspection for cause (visual indications, sites of mechanical damage) maybe
performed on all exposed surfaces. Suspect damage will be suitable cause for further non--destructive evalu-
(4) NDI Equipment Settings:
Typical equipment settings, inspection setup and exposure data are given in Table 1. Radiography process
controls shall be in accordance with TM 1--1500--335--23.
(5) Equipment Setup: See Figure 1 and Figure 3 for assistance with equipment setup.
(6) Inspect the area where the root fittings and skin doublers intersect from inboard edge of dou-
bler to the third rivet row. See Figure 2.
(7) Position film and desired nameplate data for exposure. The nameplate shall contain tail rotor
serial number and date as a minimum. Nameplate should be placed next to tail rotor blade with steel shim
(8) Place the 0.010" lead screen against the back of film pack for control of backscatter.
(9) Position Penetrameters per page Figure 2 using 1.0, 1.7, 1.2, and .87 as shown. Note:
Penetrameters should be adjacent to area of interest and 2T hole resolution is
(10)Assure blade is vertical and in flat pitch. Assure inspection surface is perpendicular to the
X--ray beam. The emergency hydraulic system may need to be activated to accurately position the tail rotor