TB 1-1520-238-20-125
b. Inventory subject parts and report, by part number, in accordance with paragraph 14.
Replacement assets, when available, will be direct exchanged for the subject parts. A precise and
accurate count is required to insure that each organization receives the correct part and the correct
number of parts. Proceed to paragraph 9.
Correction Procedures.
a. The red horizontal dash //--// on the DA Form 2408--13--1 may be cleared when the inspection
and reporting requirements of this ASAM have been completed.
b. If discrepant Pacific--Scientific restraint system components are installed, make the following
entry on the DA Form 2408--13--1. Enter a red diagonal \/\ status symbol with the following statement:
"Discrepant (as applicable) pilot/co--pilot seat restraint system components require replacement based
upon DA priority."
c. Contact the appropriate logistical POC listed in paragraph 16b for replacement parts for all
aircraft systems.
10. Supply/Parts and Disposition.
HQDA will prioritize units and repair parts distribution.
a. Parts Required -- Conforming replacement restraints will be provided on a one for one exchange
based upon the report provided to the logistics POC listed at paragraph 16b. No requisitioning actions are
required by the unit.
b. Requisitioning Instructions -- N/A.
Bulk and Consumable Materials -- N/A.
d. Disposition -- N/A.
e. Disposition of Hazardous Material -- N/A.
11. Special Tools and Fixtures Required. N/A.
12. Application.
a. Category of Maintenance -- AVUM. Aircraft downtime will be charged to AVUM.
b. Estimated Time Required --
(1) Total of 1 man--hour using 1 person.
(2) Total of 0 hours downtime for one end item.
Estimated Cost Impact to the Field -- N/A.
d. TB/MWOs to be Applied Prior to or Concurrently with this Inspection -- N/A.
e. Publications Which Require Change as a Result of this Inspection -- N/A.
13. References. DA Pam 738--751, 15 Mar 1999, Functional Users Manual for the Army Maintenance
Management System -- Aviation (TAMMS--A).
14. Recording and Reporting Requirements.
a. Aircraft --
(1) TAMMS Reporting Compliance Suspense -- Upon entering requirements of this TB on DA
Form 2408--13--1 on all subject MDS aircraft, commanders will forward a priority message, datafax or
email to: CDR, AMCOM, ATTN: AMSAM--SF--A (ASAM Compliance Officer), Redstone Arsenal, AL
35898--5000, IAW AR 95--1. Datafax number is DSN 897--2111 or (256) 313--2111. E--mail address is
"SAFEADM@redstone.army.mil." The report will cite this message and TB number, date of entry in DA
Form 2408--13--1, the aircraft mission design series and serial numbers of aircraft in numerical order.