TB 1--1520--238--20--138
Correction Procedures.
a. Replace blade if Tail Rotor Blade does not meet the inspection limits within this TB and IAW baseline
blade inspection criteria in unshielded areas.
b. Removal and installation of Tail Rotor Blades with CTI abrasion strips procedures are the same as
TM 1--1520--238--23 series manuals and TM 1--1520--Longbow/Apache.
Supply/Parts and Disposition.
a. Disposition. Submit a CAT I QDR for blades failing the inspection per this TB. Hold any discrepant
part/component pending disposition instructions from technical POC in paragraph 16a.
b. Disposition of Hazardous Material. IAW Environmental Protection Agency Directives as implement-
ed by your servicing environmental coordinator (AR 200--1).
Special Tools, Jigs and Fixtures Required. N/A.
a. Category of Maintenance. AVUM.
b. Publications which require change as a result of this inspection. TM 1--1520--238--23, and TM
1--1520--Longbow/Apache IETM shall be changed to reflect this TB. A copy of this TB shall be inserted in
the appropriate TM as authority to implement the change until the printed change is received.
a. DA PAM 738--751, 15 Mar 99.
b. Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM): TM 1--1520--Longbow/Apache IETM, CD No. 1,
Version 3.1.2, Data 19 Nov. 98, CD Date 1 Jan 2004 or subsequent.
c. TM 1--1520--238--23, Aviation Unit and Intermediate Maintenance Manual for AH--64A Apache At-
tack Helicopter, 16 May 94.
Recording and Reporting Requirements.
a. Aircraft--N/A.
b. Wholesale Spare Parts/Assemblies-- N/A.
Materiel in Retail Storage-- N/A.
d. The following forms are applicable and are to be completed in accordance with DA PAM 738-751,15
Mar 99:
ULLS--A users will use applicable "E" forms
Use an "800" inspection number for this inspeciton until it is incorporated into the technical
(1) DA Form 2408-13-1, Aircraft Inspection and Maintenance Record.
(2) DA Form 2408--16 Aircraft Component Historical Record (If blade is removed/ replaced)
(3) DA Form 2408-18, Equipment Inspection List.
(4) DA Form 2410, Component Removal and Repair/ overhaul record (If blade is remove or re-
15. Weight and Balance. Tail Rotor Blades with CTI abrasion strips installed are a one--for--one replace-
ment with non--strip blades and are balanced the same as non--strip blades.