TB l-1520-238-30-15
c. Forms and Records Ms. Ann Waldeck,
DSN 746-5564 or Commercial (256)
is DSN 746-4904 or Commercial (256) 876-9404. E-mail is
d. Safety Mr. Howard Chilton, AMSAM-SF-A, DSN 897-2068 or Commercial (256) 313-2068.
is Commercial (256) 313-2111. E-mail is
e. Foreign Military Sales recipients requiring clarification of action advised by this message should
contact one of the following persons (Huntsville, AL, time is GMT minus 6 hours):
(1) CW5 Joseph L. Wittstrom, Security Assistance Management,
DSN 897-0681 or
Commercial (256) 313-0681. E-mail is
(2) Mr. Ronnie W. Sammons,
DSN 897-0869 or Commercial (256) 313-0869.
is DSN 897-0411 or Commercial (205) 313-0411. E-mail is
f. After hours, contact the AMCOM Command Operations Center (COC), DSN
Commercial (256)