TB 1--1520--251--20--03
11. Special Tools and Fixtures Required. N/A.
12. Application.
a. Category of Maintenance -- N/A.
b. Estimated Time Required -- N/A.
Estimated Cost Impact to the Field -- N/A.
d. TB/MWOs To Be Applied Prior To Or Concurrently With This Inspection. N/A.
e. Publications Which Require Change as a Result of this Inspection -- The following technical
manuals shall be changed to reflect this TB. A copy of this TB shall be inserted in the appropriate TMs
as authority to implement the change until the printed change is received.
(1) TM 1--1520--251--10
(2) TM 1--1520--251--CL
13. References.
a. TM 1--1520--251--10, AH--64D Operator's Manual.
b. TM 1--1520--251--CL, AH--64D Operator's Checklist.
Interim Statement of Airworthiness Qualification (ISAQ), AH--64D.
d. DA Pam 738--751.
14. Recording and Reporting Requirements -- The following forms are applicable and are to be
completed IAW DA Pam 738--751, 15 Mar 99 --
ULLS--A users will use applicable "E" forms.
a. DA Form 2408--13, Aircraft Status Information Record.
b. DA Form 2408--13--1, Aircraft Inspection and Maintenance Record.
DA Form 2408--15, Historical Record for Aircraft.
15. Weight and Balance. N/A.
16. Points of Contact.
a. Technical point of contact for this TB is Mr. Dan Rice, AMSAM--RD--AE--I--P, DSN 897-4804 or
commercial (256) 313-4804. Datafax is DSN 897-4923 or commercial (256) 313-4923. E-mail is
b. Logistical point of contact for this TB -- N/A.
Wholesale materiel point of contact (Spares) -- N/A.
d. Forms and records point of contact is Ms. Ann Waldeck, AMSAM--MMC--RE--FF, DSN 746--5564
or commercial (256) 876--5564. Datafax is DSN 746--4904 or commercial (256) 876--4904. E--mail is
"Ann.Waldeck@redstone.army.mil" .
e. Safety points of contact are --
(1) Primary -- Mr. Randall Rushing (SAIC), AMSAM--SF--A, DSN 897--2092 or commercial
(256) 313--2092. Datafax is DSN 897--2111 or commercial (256) 313--2111. E--mail is
(2) Alternate -- Mr. Howard Chilton, AMSAM--SF--A, DSN 897-2068 or commercial (256)
313-2068. Datafax is DSN 897-2111 or commercial (256) 313-2111. E-mail is