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transmitted through tubing to the transfer valves, and the
parking brake valve, to the wheel brake assemblies. It ac-
tuates pistons in each wheel brake assembly causing fric-
tion linings to move against a floating brake disk to stop
wheel rotation. When the helicopter is parked, the pilot or
CPG applies and maintains pressure on the brakes until
the PARK BRAKE handle (fig 2-7) can be pulled out by
the pilot to set the parking brakes. Hydraulic pressure is
maintained in the system by the compensator valves
mounted on the parking brake valve. Additional parking
brake force may be achieved by holding the PARK
BRAKE handle out and staging or pumping the brake
pedals once or twice to maximize the holding force. Re-
leasing the brake pedals before the PARK BRAKE handle
will again lock the system and maintain the higher brake
force. Either crewmember can release the parking brake
by exerting pressure on the control pedal.
The flight control system consists of hydromechanical
controls for the main and tail rotors and an electrical stabi-
lator. A digital automatic stabilization system (DASE) is
used to augment the controls, and provide a backup con-
trol system (BUCS). Refer to the appropriate system for
complete descriptive information.
Figures 2-7 thru 2-12 provide an overview of instrumenta-
tion in both crew stations. Instruments will be discussed
with their associated systems. Flight instruments are de-
scribed in Section XIV of this chapter. Caution, warning,
and advisory lights, as well as audio warning signals, are
also discussed in Section XIV.
2.11.1 Indicators.
Indicators for management of the
helicopter systems are located on both pilot and CPG in-
strument and control panels. Refer to the applicable sys-
tem for descriptive information.
2.11.2 Pilot Instrument Panel and Consoles.
The pi-
lot instrument panel is shown in figure 2-9 and the control
consoles are shown in figure 2-11.
2.11.3 CPG Instrument Panel and Consoles.
CPG instrument panel is shown in figure 2-10 and the
control consoles are shown in figure 2-12.