TM 1-1520-238-10
e. Inspection and Maintenance Light.
The in-
spection and maintenance light is stored in the left equip-
ment stowage compartment (fig 2-2). Two plug-in recep-
tacle locations provide electrical power and will facilitate
inspection and maintenance at all points on the helicopter.
The receptacle is located adjacent to the CPG station on
the underside of the right FAB, forward of the searchlight
(fig 2-2). The second receptacle is located in the right aft
avionics bay (fig 2-2). Power for operating the light is 24
vdc directly from the battery through the MAINT LT circuit
breaker in the right aft avionics bay. Operation of the in-
spection and maintenance light is controlled by an OFF-
BRT rheostat switch which is integral with the light.
2.49.2 Interior Lighting System.
The helicopter interi-
or lighting system consists of dimming lighting for engine
instruments, flight instruments, avionics panels, console
panels, and circuit breaker panels. All engine and flight in-
struments are equipped with red surface mounted edge
lighting fixtures, and the avionics console and circuit
breaker panel lights are integrally illuminated. Light is re-
flected to illuminate the panel markings and the clear edg-
ing around each switch or circuit breaker. In the event of
total electrical power generation failure, the pilot and CPG
flood lights, utility lights, and searchlight remain operable
through the dc emergency bus.
a. Pilot Interior Lighting.
Interior lighting for the pi-
lot is controlled by three switch/rheostats and a three-
position FLOOD toggle switch located on the pilot INTR
LT control panel. The three switch/rheostats provide a de-
tented OFF position and dim to BRT position. AC voltage
is the primary power for the interior lights. The ac voltage
is applied to a multichannel dimmer assembly through the
PRI circuit breaker on the pilot overhead circuit breaker
panel. The multichannel dimmer converts 115 vac to the
proper dc levels for the three switch/rheostats. The INST,
L CSL, and R/CTR CSL switch/rheostats vary the multi-
channel dimmer output. The INST switch/rheostat con-
trols channels 1 and 2 of the multichannel dimmer. Chan-
nel 1 is for the right instrument panel, and channel 2 is for
the left instrument panel. Both channels vary the multi-
channel output from OFF position to BRT. The R/CTR
CSL control is split into two sections; A: OFF position, and
BRT for APU FIRE TEST and APX100 control panel. B:
OFF position, and BRT for the avionics control box lights
in the center and right console. The L CSL controls the cir-
cuit breaker panels and the collective stick grip lights. The
pilot also has an EDGE LT PNL ON/OFF switch located
on the overhead circuit breaker panel that allows him to
turn off circuit breaker edge lights independent of other
console lights.
b. CPG Interior Lighting.
The CPG interior lighting
operation of the INTR LT switch/rheostats and the multi-
channel dimmer are the same as for the pilot operation.
The INST switch/rheostat controls outputs to channel 1
(right side instruments), channel 2 (left side instruments),
and the ORT. The R CSL controls outputs to channel 3
which is split into sections A and B. A: to the avionics
lights; B: to the ASN 128 panel lights. The L CSL controls
the circuit breaker and collective stick grip lights.
c. Emergency Floodlight System.
The emergen-
cy floodlight system is installed under the glareshields of
the pilot and CPG instrument panels. Power for the emer-
gency floodlight system is emergency bus 28 vdc power
through the UTIL SEC circuit breaker on the pilot over-
head circuit breaker panel and the UTIL SEC LT circuit
breaker on the CPG main circuit breaker panel (fig 2-40).
Operation of the emergency floodlight system is con-
trolled by the FLOOD three-position toggle switch on the
pilot and CPG INTR LT control panel. When the switch is
positioned to the BRT position, it turns on the blue green
secondary lights to the brightest level. When in the dim
position, the secondary lighting is dimmed.
d. Utility Light.
A detachable utility light with a
coiled extension cord is located to the left of the pilot and
CPG seats. The utility light provides emergency red or
white lighting in case instrument panel lighting fails. The
light is operated by an OFF BRT rheostat switch integral
with the light. Rotating the front section of the light selects
white flood or red flood. The utility light receives 28 vdc
from the emergency dc bus through the UTIL SEC LT cir-
cuit breaker on the pilot overhead circuit breaker panel
and the UTIL SEC LT circuit breaker on the CPG No. 1
circuit breaker panel.
e. Dimming, MASTER CAUTION Panel, and Cau-
tion/Warning Panel Advisory Segment Lights.
ming of all caution/warning lights is controlled by the INST
control on both the pilot and CPG INTR LT control panels
for the respective crew station. When the INST control is
is in the OFF position, caution/warning lights are bright;
any other position will cause the respective lights to go to
a preset dim condition.