TM 1-1520-238-103-16The WOD is initially entered into the preset memory andthen transferred to volatile memory. After transfer, if poweris lost or if channel 20 is selected when the function switchis set to PRESET, it will be necessary to perform anothertransfer from the preset memory to volatile memory. Startwith channel 20 and set to progressively lower channelsuntil a double beep is heard.The radio will not function in the AJ mode if a WOD is notin volatile memory. If the AJ mode is selected without en-tering a WOD into the volatile memory, a steady warningtone will be heard in the headset.(2) TOD.Time synchronization is provided by aclock inside the radio. The internal clock is turned off whenthe radio is turned off.A TOD signal must be received to reset the radio’s internalclock when the radio is turned on. This signal may be pro-vided by another HQ radio or by an external time distribu-tion system. Improper synchronization will prohibit propercommunication. Reception of garbled communications inthe AJ mode indicates the receiving radio and transmittingradio are not in synchronization. In a multiple radio net,the radio receiving all transmissions garbled is the radiothat is out of synchronization.TOD reception can be performed in both normal and AJmodes. The radio automatically accepts the first TODmessage after the radio is turned on and the WOD istransferred to volatile memory. Subsequent messages areignored unless the T position is selected by the A-3-2-Tswitch. The radio may be resynchronized by setting theradio to the TOD transmission frequency, setting theA-3-2-Tswitch to T, and requesting another person in thecommon net to transmit the TOD. The radio then acceptsthe next TOD update, provided the TOD update arriveswithin one minute of selecting the T position on theA-3-2-Tswitch.TOD is normally received by the main or guard receivervia a prearranged frequency from another HQ radio whichhas the desired time. When the radio receives the TODfrom an external timing source, it updates/synchronizesthe radio’s internal clock with the timing source. This al-lows all radios in synchronization with the source and oneanother to frequency hop simultaneously for uninterruptedcommunication. Any arbitrary time may be used, but oper-ators are encouraged to obtain and use Universal TimeCoordinated (UTC) time. The use of UTC time will allowoperators to switch from one HQ radio net to another with-out retiming their radios to arbitrary times (TODs).If no TOD is available from another HQ radio, an emer-gency start of the TOD clock can be performed using theTposition of the A-3-2-Tswitch and the TONEbutton.Emergency startup of the TOD clock generates an arbi-trary TOD that must be transferred to other radios usingthe same net. Operators using the emergency startupmethod will not be able to communicate in the AJ modewith anyone that has not received this arbitrary TOD. Thenet should update to UTC time as soon as possible so ev-eryone entering or leaving the net will not have to retimetheir radios.The TOD can be transferred in both normal and AJ modeby momentarily pressing the TONE button with theA-3-2-Tswitch set to T. A TOD transmission allows a timeupdate if one radio has drifted out of synchronization.(3) Common Net Numbers.In the AJ mode, acommunications channel is defined by a net numberinstead of a signal frequency as in the normal mode.After WOD and TOD are entered, any valid AJ net numbercan be selected by using the frequency selector switches.The net number programs the entry point in the WOD fre-quency hopping pattern, allowing for multiple radio net op-eration using a common WOD and TOD.f. Anti-Jamming Mode Operation.The A positionof the A-3-2-T switch overrides the hundreds digit in bothmanual and preset modes. The A cannot be inserted intothe preset channel memory. It will be displayed as a 3 onthe frequency indicator, and accepted as a 3 if inserted ina preset channel. If the next three digits of a frequency ina preset channel are the same as the desired net number,the preset channel can be used in the AJ mode.The radio will function in the AJ mode when a WOD andTOD are programmed into the radio, A is set on theA-3-2-Tswitch, and MANUALis selected on the functionswitch with an appropriate net number in the three fre-quency digits following the A. If the function switch is setto BOTH and the AJ mode is selected, any transmissionon the guard channel takes precedence over the AJmode.
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