TM 1-1520-238-104-54Change 4Table 4-19.High Action Display Opposite Crew Station Weapon Control CrewmemberMessageDescriptionPCGUNThe CPG has actioned the area weapon system.PCRKTCPG has actioned the rocket system.PCMSLCPG has actioned the missile system.CPGPGUNPilot has actioned the area weapon system.CPGPRKTPilot has actioned the rocket system.CPGPMSLPilot has actioned the missile system.4.29 ALPHA/NUMERIC DISPLAY (AND).The AND provides information to the CPG for use in theoperation of the mission equipment. The AND is locatedbelow the heads-down-display in the ORT. The display iscontinuously visible to the CPG whenever he views headsdown. The display fields are outlined in Figure 4-19. In theevent of an AND failure, the Alpha/Numeric Display infor-mation may be symbolically duplicated on the TADS dis-plays by placing the DEK rotary switch in the SP1 positionand keying-in an “I”. The AND information will then be du-plicated on the selected TADS display in the same orien-tation as on the AND. Table 4-20 lists the message andvisual location.SIGHT STATUSWEAPON STATUSTRACKER STATUSLRF/D AND LST CODE STATUSENHANCEMENT DISPLAYMISSILEINVENTORYANDSTATUSMISSILEINVENTORYANDSTATUSFigure 4-19.Alpha/Numeric Display (AND)Table 4-20.Alpha/Numeric Display Message Location and Description MessageDescriptionSIGHT STATUS SECTIONRECORDERThe ORT VID RCD switch has been pressed and the video recorder is recording.RCDR ON/The ORT VID RCD switch has been pressed and the video recorder is recording.RCDRFAILThe ORT VID RCD switch has been pressed and the video recorder has malfunctioned.RCDR OFF/The ORT VID RCD switch has been pressed and the video recorder has stoppedrecording.NON TADSPNVS is the sight in use.TADS FAILTV FAILFLIR FAILIRISFAILTADS...BORESITEThe boresight mode is in effect.
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