TM 1-1520-238-10
Change 8
6. ASE panel switches As desired.
7. EXT LT switches As desired.
8. PARK BRAKE Release.
9. TAIL WHEEL switch UNLOCK. Note that
green advisory light illuminates.
If the advisory light fails to illuminate, taxi
forward a short distance while making light
pedal inputs.
*8.22. TAXI CHECK.
1. Wheel brakes Check.
2. Engine/rotor instruments Check.
3. Flight instruments Check.
8.23 TAXI.
Excessive cyclic displacement with
low power settings may result in
droop stop pounding.
Excessive forward cyclic displace-
ment with low power settings may re-
sult in high strap pack loads.
Initiate taxi by increasing collective to 20 to 24% torque
and applying slight forward cyclic pressure as required to
begin aircraft movement. To maintain forward movement
or taxi speed, do not reduce torque below 20%. Control
aircraft heading with pedals and speed with a combination
of collective, cyclic and brakes. Deceleration may be con-
trolled by using collective, aft cyclic, and if required,
brakes. Forward cyclic should be limited to the position
used to initiate taxi. Use slight lateral cyclic into turns to
maintain a level fuselage attitude. Taxiing on soft, rough or
sloping terrain may require the use of more collective than
on smooth, level surfaces.
1. HARS switch Verify OPR.
2. Weapons systems Safe.
a. Pilot MASTER ARM switch OFF or SAFE.
b. CPG ARM/SAFE switch OFF or SAFE.
c. PLT and CPG weapons select switches As
d. Ensure weapons not actioned.
3. TAIL WHEEL switch LOCK.
4. PARK BRAKE As desired
5. Systems check as follows:
a. FUEL panel switches.
b. Fuel quantity.
c. Engine instruments.
d. Caution/warning panel.
6. PWR levers FLY.
7. If the DTC overwrites the active fly-to or target, it
is necessary to de-select and re-select the ac-
tive fly-to or target.
8. Power check Perform. The power check is
done by comparing indicated torque required to
hover with the predicted values from perfor-
mance charts in Chapter 7
or Chapter 7A
Prior to landing, external stores may be
placed in the ground stow position by plac-
ing the rocket select switch on either fire
control panel in the GND STOW position.
1. Weapons systems Safe.
a. Pilot MASTER ARM/SAFE switch OFF or
b. CPG ARM/SAFE switch OFF or SAFE.
c. PLT and CPG weapon select switches As
d. Ensure weapons are not actioned.
3. TAIL WHEEL switch LOCK.
4. PARK BRAKE As required.