TM 1-1520-238-23Change 32-6712.187.PILOT BORESIGHT RETICLE UNIT (BRU) MOUNT ADAPTERREMOVAL/INSTALLATION2.187.1. DescriptionThis task covers:Removal. Cleaning. Inspection. Installation.2.187.2. InitialSetupTools:Aircraft mechanic’s tool kit (item 376, App H)Personnel Required:67RAttack Helicopter Repairer67R3FAttack Helicopter Repairer/TechnicalInspectorEquipment Conditions:RefCondition1.57Helicopter safed2.186Pilot boresight mount removed2.187.3. Removala. Enter pilot station (para 1.56). Observe allsafety precautions.b. Remove boresight reticle unit (BRU) mountadapter (1) from support assembly (2).(1) Remove three shear bolts (3) and washers(4).(2) Remove adapter (1) from support (2).GO TO NEXT PAGEPILOT STATIONM04-3372-13M04-3372-2412
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