TM 1-1520-238-23
Change 6
p. Aft inboard engine mount and aft lower engine mount pins and bushings inspection.
(1) Perform visual inspection of aft inboard engine mount and aft lower engine mount pins.
(2) Check for lanyard wrap up.
(a) If lanyard wrap up has occurred, clean and apply torque stripes across edge of bushing and adjacent
area of bellcrank. Apply torque stripes on both sides of aft engine mount. Use sealing compound
(item 167, App F). Inspect torque stripes prior to each flight for 10 flight hours to determine if bushings
are rotating with respect to the bellcrank. If bushing rotates perform corrective action in step q.
(b) If lanyard wrap has not occurred no further maintenance action is required.
(3) Perform torque check of mount pin lock mechanism.
(a) Unlock pin.
(b) With no weight on pin, note minimum torque required to engage lock mechanism. Use torque wrench.
(c) If torque required to lock pin is not 55 to 100 INCH-POUNDS, replace pin.
q. Corrective action for aft inboard engine mount and aft lower engine mount pins and bushings.
(1) Support engine as necessary and remove support pins from aft inboard and aft lower engine mount (para
4.6 No. 1 engine or para 4.10 No. 2 engine) (para 4.5 No. 1 engine or para 4.9 No. 2 engine).
(2) Remove the aft inboard mount/aft lower mount (para 4.29).
(3) Remove two bushings from engine aft inboard mount/aft lower mount (para 4.56).
(a) Clean OD of bushings and bore of bellcrank with methyl ethyl ketone (item 124, App F) and clean
(b) Check bushings for cracks and gouges. No cracks allowed. Gouges shall not exceed 0.031 INCH
depth either longitudinal or circular.
(c) Install two bushings in engine aft inboard mount/aft lower mount (para 4.56).