TM 1-1520-238-236-2296.49.MAIN TRANSMISSION GENERATOR QUICK-ATTACH ASSEMBLYREMOVAL/INSTALLATION – continued6.49.3. Removala. Remove No. 1 quick–attach assembly (1) orNo. 2 quick-attach assembly (2) from maintransmission (3).(1) Remove six screws (4). Use screwdriver bit.6.49.4. Cleaninga. Clean removed and attaching parts or sur-faces (para 1.47).6.49.5. Inspectiona. Check transmission mounting pad for cracksand damaged threads. None allowed.b. Check quick-attach assembly for security oflocating pin. No looseness allowed.c. Check bolt and barrel nut for damage Noneallowed.6.49.6. InstallationNOTETo install quick-attach No. 1, go to step a.To install quick-attach No. 2, go to step b.a. Install No. 1 quick-attach (1). Torque six screws(4) to 220 INCH-POUNDS.(1) Position quick-attach (1) with locating pin (5)75 degrees outboard of vertical.(2) Install six screws (4).(3) Torque six screws (4) to 220 INCH-POUNDS.Use screwdriver bit and torque wrench.(4) Go to step c.GO TO NEXT PAGEM04-2929-21432M04-2929-375º15415
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