TM 1-1520-238-236-284Change 56.64.MAIN TRANSMISSION ROTOR BRAKE ACTUATOR (GOODYEAR/ABSC)REMOVAL/INSTALLATION – continuedk. Remove union (12) from actuator (13).(1) Remove and discard packing (19).l. If available, install protective plug (20).(1) Lubricate new packing (21). Use hydraulicfluid (item 92, App F).(2) Install plug (20) and packing (21) on actuator(13).6.64.4. Cleaninga. Clean removed and attaching parts or sur-faces (para 1.47).6.64.5. InspectionNOTEThe following inspection procedures ap-ply to rotor brake actuator and actuatormounting area on main transmission.a. Check for cracks. None allowed.b. Check for corrosion (para 1.49).c. Check for nicks, scratches, and gouges (para6.41).d. Check rotor brake actuator bolt holes on maintransmission for stripped, crossed, or flat-tened threads. None allowed.e. Check union for stripped or damaged threads(TM 1-1500-204-23).GO TO NEXT PAGEM04-1046-6B1912132120
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