TM 1-1520-238-237-2197.51.SERVOCYLINDER CONTROL SOLENOID VALVE REPLACEMENT – continued7.51.3. Removala. Remove valve (1) from servocylinder (2).(1) Place rags under valve (1) to catch hydraulicfluid spills.(2) Remove four screws (3).(3) Pull valve (1) straight away from servocylind-er (2).(4) Remove and discard packings (4), (5), and(6).7.51.4. Cleaninga. Wipe removed and attaching parts with aclean rag.7.51.5. Inspectiona. Check removed and attaching parts for nicks,dents, and cracks (para 7.1).b. Check removed and attaching parts for corro-sion (para 1.49).7.51.6. Installationa. Install new packings (4), (5), and (6) on newvalve (1).(1) Lubricate packings (4), (5), and (6). Useclean hydraulic fluid (item 92, App F).(2) Install packing (4) on connector (7).(3) Install packing (5) in groove (8).(4) Install packing (6) on fitting (9).GO TO NEXT PAGE4651213M04-773-2M04-773-44759816
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