TM 1-1520-238-2311-1288Change 711.298.RIGGING HORIZONTAL STABILATOR – continuedp. Actuate stabilator to full NU position.q. Check that stabilator NU angle is 8 to 10 de-grees on protractor assembly (6).(1) If angle is not within limits, replace actuator(para 11.224).r. Check that both pilot and CPG indicator (15)indicate 9 2 degrees.(1) If indicators are not within limits, replace posi-tion transducer (para 11.231).s. On pilot aft circuit breaker panel, open STABMAN DC and STAB MAN AC circuit breakers.t. Remove external power from aircraft (para1.70).u. Remove protractor assembly (6) from fixture(1).(1) Loosen two thumbscrews (8).(2) Remove protractor assembly (6) fromprotractor fixture (1).(3) Tighten two thumbscrews (8).v. Remove protractor fixture (1) from stabilator(2).(1) Loosen four wing nuts (5). Remove fixture(1).w. Inspect (QA).x. Install access panel R200; install covers L545and R545 (para 2.2).y. Disconnect maintenance headset (para 1.134).z. Perform stabilator maintenance operationalcheck (TM 1-1520-238-T).END OF TASK9º ±1º6M04-3062-12APOSSTABSTABILATOR POSITION INDICATORDEG15M04-3062-13M04-3062-15186M04-3062-16A521
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