TM 1-1520-238-2316-130Change 116.33.APU COLD START - BATTERY - continued16.33.3. Preparationa. Attach connector (1) to ground service utilityreceptacle J16 (2).(1) Remove cap (3) from receptacle (2).(2) Remove cap (4) from connector (1).(3) Attach connector (1) to receptacle (2).b. Attach connector (5) to cold start battery (6).16.33.4. OperationCAUTIONOnly qualified and/or certified personnelare authorized to operate APU. Failure tocomply may result in equipment damage.a. Enter pilot station (para 1.56). Observe allsafety precautions.NOTE95%/NORMswitch is spring loaded toNORM. NORMswitch must be held at95%until APU ONindicator lights on pilotcaution/warning panel.b. One person, on APU/FIRE TEST panel (7), set95%/NORM switch (8) to 95%.c. Operate APU, using battery power (para 1.74).GO TO NEXT PAGE1M04-3419-2A3425M04-3419-8678M04-3419-3A
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