TM 1-1520-238-23C-1APPENDIX CAIRCRAFT INVENTORY MASTER GUIDESECTION I. INTRODUCTIONC.1.AIRCRAFT INVENTORY MASTER GUIDEAppendix C lists those items of installed or loose equipment required by and authorized for using organizations toaccomplish their primary or alternate mission. This list will serve to standardize present inventory procedures byusing the inventory master guide to determine inventoriable items of installed and loose equipment. Items are listedin the sequence of their location in the aircraft.C.2.AIRCRAFT INVENTORYAircraft inventory is subject to change as a result of authorized changes (MWOs) and additions or deletions ofproperty for special missions requirements; the selection of items of inventory from the inventory master guide mayor may not provide a complete inventory list. When it is known that the master guide does not provide a completeinventory list, research authorized changes (MWOs) and local command directives to compile an accurate and exactinventory list.C.3.FORMS AND RECORDSRefer to DA PAM 738-751 for applicable forms and records.C.4.SECURITYAircraft inventory records are usually unclassified. Security classification of those records shall be changed inaccordance with existing regulations if secret or confidential equipment is installed in the aircraft.
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