TM 1-1520-238-23
Change 6
This section provides information required for helicopter loading and for computing weight and
balance. It contains sufficient information and data so that an aviator, knowing the basic weight and
moment of the helicopter, can compute any combination of weight and balance using the prescribed
Army charts and forms.
Army AH-64A helicopter is a Class 2 aircraft. Additional directives governing weight and balance of
Class 2 aircraft, forms, and records are contained in AR 95-1, DA PAM 738-751, and
TM 55-1500-342-23.
Proper loading of the aircraft can be accomplished by using the weight and moment tables provided
in this section directly, or by using the actual weight and arm of the individual item(s) and multiplying
them to calculate exact moment. Exercise care when adding calculated moments to table moments
as table moments are given as moment divided by 100. Regardless of method used, the objective
is to load the helicopter within the required weight and C.G. limits for takeoff, flight, and landing.
G.2.3. Fundamental Principles of Loading
There are several basic loading principles relative to weight and balance that must be understood in order to
properly load an aircraft and to avoid and correct adverse loading conditions. These principles are as follows:
a. Weight added or removed at the C.G. will not shift the C.G.
b. Weight added forward of the C.G. will move the C.G. forward.
c. Weight removed forward of the C.G. will move the C.G. aft.
d. Weight added aft of the C.G. will move the C.G. aft.
e. Weight removed aft of the C.G. will move the C.G. forward.
f. The effect on C.G. shifting for any given weight is directly proportional to the distance the weight is
G.2.4. Helicopter Compartments and Stations
Figure G-5 presents the general location of major compartments and stations of the AH-64A helicopter. A more
complete listing of compartments and equipment that comprise the basic weight of the helicopter is provided in the
helicopter basic weight checklist, DD Form 365-1.
Weight and moment tables for customary load items such as crew, fuel, cargo, and armament can be found in
paragraphs G.2.5 through G.2.7.