TM 1-1520-238-MTF3-1CHAPTER 3. TROUBLESHOOTINGPROCEDURES3-1. GENERAL.This chapter contains troubleshooting information cited inChapter 2 checklists. This chapter lists possible abnormalconditions and indications and probable causes. The in-formation is to be used only as a quick reference and maynot be all encompassing.The troubleshooting procedures manual and those main-tenance manuals listed in this section have data for trou-bleshooting the helicopter systems. Operational checkoutprocedures and logic-type troubleshooting charts give de-tailed step-by-step instructions to identify malfunctioningcomponents/ parts/systems. Component location dia-grams and schematics are also included in these manu-als. Specific troubleshooting procedures for various mal-functions are referenced throughout the Chapter 2checklist. This information is to be used only as a quickreference and may not be all encompassing.
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