“FOD REMINDER”Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspectionTM 1-1520-238-PMS103Seq.No.LocationItem and ProcedureCPG STATIONPOWER OFF14.1–––External SurfacesSkin areas for cracks and distortionLoose or missing hardwarePanels, doors, fairings, and canopy frame for mounting security14.21Open CANOPY EMERGENCY RELEASE Door T50CANOPY JETTISON SAFETY PIN AND FLAG INSTALLED14.32Windshield WipersBlade and arm for physical damage, security, and cleanlinessBlade for park-position (windshield bottom frame alinement)14.43WINDSHIELD AND WINDOW GLASSCRACKS, CHIPS, SCRATCHES, DISTORTION, AND CLEANLINESS14.54Canopy LatchLocked-position securityProper release function14.65Canopy Support StrutFull extension and open-position support
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business