TM 1–1520–238–T–1Change 54–254–3DE–ICE – INTERACTIVE FD/LS CHECK (cont)4–3TASKRESULTj. On DEK, press andrelease ENTERSPACEkey (ADC).On CDU, press andrelease SPC keyIf NO–GOs were notdisplayed, then the followingappears:DE–ICE SYSTEM GO ANYKEY FOR FDLS MENUS(ADD).If one or more FD/LSNO–GO displays listedappear on HOD, perform thefollowing:(1) Shutdown APU(para 3–4).(2) Perform CORRECTIVEACTIONindicated for firstNO–GO displayed onHOD.(3) Start APU (para 3–3).(4) On DEK, rotateDATAENTRYswitch to STBYfor 5 seconds, then backtoFD/LS (ADC).(5) Repeat FD/LS checkbeginning with step b. IfNO–GO repeats afterCORRECTIVE ACTION,refer to applicableUTILITY SYSTEM –OPERATIONAL CHECK(TM 1-1520-238-T-8).k. On pilot ANTI ICEpanel, set BLADEON/OFF/TESTswitch to OFF.NOTERecord all NO–GOs before rotating DATAENTRYswitch to STBY(ADC).l. On DEK, rotateDATA ENTRYswitchto STBY (ADC).
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