TM 1-1520-238-T-46–60.2Change 56–13.DRIVE SYSTEM – DYNAMIC MAINTENANCE OPERATIONAL CHECK (cont)6–13M58-283TYPICAL DIFFERENTIALPRESSURE INDICATORSIGHTGAGEFigure 6–21.Engine NGBs Sight Gage and Typical Differential Pressure IndicatorTaskResultw. On engine NGBs, check oil level in sightgage (fig. 6–21).If engine nose gearboxes oil loss is indicated, go toparagraph 6–80.x. Visually inspect differential pressureindicators (fig. 6–21) located on the leftNGB, right NGB, accessory oil pump andmain transmission. Are all indicators in theretracted position?If any indicator is extended, reset indicator and go tostep y.y. Start/operate engines 1 and 2(TM 1-1520-238-CL). Ground run at 100%NRfor five minutes.z. Shut down helicopter (TM 1-1520-238-CL).aa. Visually inspect differential pressureindicators located on the left NGB, rightNGB, accessory oil pump and maintransmission. Are all indicators in theretracted position?If indicator is extended, remove filter element(TM 1-1520-238-23) and check for contamination.If contaminated replace filter element(TM 1-1520-238-23).If contamination is not present, replace differentialpressure indicator (TM 1-1520-238-23).4. Perform DRIVE SYSTEM – POWER DOWN (para 6–11).END OF TASK
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