TM 1-1520-238-T-5
Change 6
(4) Primary GSE Panel.
The primary GSE panel, located on the aft equipment bay deck outboard of the
utility manifold, provides connections for external hydraulic application and for servicing the primary and utility
reservoirs with fluid. The fluid is filtered by a 45 micron screen filter (ADF) or a 5 micron cartridge filter element
(5) Longitudinal Servocylinder.
The longitudinal servocylinder, located on the left transmission deck in
front and to the right of the main transmission, converts mechanical inputs during normal operation, or electrical
inputs during digital automatic stabilization equipment backup control system (DASE BUCS) operation, into
hydraulic pressure outputs which are sent to the main rotor swashplate.
(6) Lateral Servocylinder.
The lateral servocylinder, located on the transmission deck in front and to the
left of the main transmission, converts mechanical inputs during normal operation, or electrical inputs during
DASE BUCS operation, into hydraulic pressure outputs which are sent to the main rotor swashplate.
(7) Collective Servocylinder.
The collective servocylinder, located on the transmission deck in front of
the main transmission, converts mechanical inputs during normal operation, or electrical inputs during DASE
BUCS operation, into hydraulic pressure outputs which are sent to the main rotor swashplate.
(8) Directional Servocylinder.
The directional servocylinder, located on the top of the tail rotor gearbox,
converts mechanical inputs during normal operation, or electrical inputs during DASE BUCS operation, into
hydraulic pressure outputs which are sent to the tail rotor swashplate.