TM 1-1520-238-T-5
(7) Pilot SAI.
The pilot SAI, located in the pilot instrument panel, provides the pilot with an independent,
continuous backup display of helicopter attitude. The SAI displays 360 horizontal roll, 85 climb pitch, or 85 dive
pitch. The twocolor gyrosphere is divided into halves by a white horizon line. The upper (climb) half is gray, the
lower (dive) half is black. Degree of pitch is scaled and numbered on both halves. Degree of roll is marked by
white lines on the bottom half of the casing. White markers indicate 0, 10, 20, 30, 60, and 90 positions.
Helicopter attitude is read by comparing the fixed helicopter symbol with the gyrosphere degree marking.
(8) CPG RAI.
The CPG RAI, located in the CPG instrument panel, displays 360 horizontal roll, 90
climb pitch, or 90 dive pitch. The twocolor gyrosphere is divided into halves by a white horizon line. The upper
(climb) half is gray, the lower (dive) half is black. Degree of pitch is scaled and numbered on both halves. Degree
of roll is marked by white lines on the bottom half of the casing. The white markers indicate 0, 10, 20, 30, 60,
and 90 positions. Helicopter attitude is read by comparing the fixed helicopter symbol with the gyrosphere degree
(9) Pilot Magnetic Compass.
The pilot magnetic compass, located on top of the pilot instrument panel,
displays magnetic heading in relationship to the magnetic North pole. The magnetic compass displays headings
from 0 to 360.