TM 1-1520-238-T-6
(c) Channel 2 No. 3 (fig. 911) provides edge-lighting for the following:
Pilot ENG-RTR RPM% indicator.
Pilot NG RPM% indicator.
Pilot TGT indicator.
Pilot TORQUE indicator.
(3) Channel 3 is divided into three sub-channels.
(a) Channel 3 No. 1 (fig. 911) provides edge-lighting for the following:
Pilot radar/IR jammer control panel.
Pilot chaff dispenser control panel.
Pilot radar warning control panel.
Pilot UHF AM receiver/transmitter.
Pilot ADF RCVR control panel.
(b) Channel 3 No. 2 (fig. 911) provides edge-lighting for the following:
Pilot remote select transmitter.
Pilot IFF control panel.
Pilot APU fire test panel.
(c) Channel 3 No. 3 (fig. 911) provides edge-lighting for the following:
Pilot remote select transmitter.
Pilot VHF AM-FM receiver/transmitter.
Pilot KY-28 secure voice control panel.
(4) Channel 4 is divided into three sub-channels:
(a) Channel 4 No. 1 (fig. 911) provides edge-lighting for the following:
Pilot MSL control panel.
Pilot ROCKETS control panel.
Pilot collective stick grip.
Pilot stabilator manual control panel.
(b) Channel 4 No. 2 (fig. 911) provides edge-lighting for the following:
Pilot ANTI ICE panel.
Pilot FUEL control panel.
Pilot STORES JETT panel.
Pilot ECS panel.