TM 1-1520-238-T-7Change 510–160.1310–48A.FUEL QUANTITY SYSTEM – CAPACITANCE AND INDICATING TEST10–48A(USING PSD 60-1AF TEST SET) (cont)TaskResultNOTEThe PSD 60-1AF test set indicates “over range” above 10,000 megohms byflashing three colons and displaying four zeros.e. Allow test set (fig. 10–70.5) to stabilize for30 seconds. Verify test set LCDINDICATORdisplays greater than 20 megohms.f. Rotate SELECT switch to the followingpositions and verify test set LCD indicatordisplays greater than one megohm in eachposition. LOZ-SHLD, HIZ-SHLD,SHLD-GND, LOZ-GNDand HIZ-GND.If LOZ and HIZ values are not within requiredtolerance, go to paragraph 10–47.g. Detach T cable (fig. 10–70.7) #2/AFT LOZand HIZ leads from TANK UNITS LOZ andHIZreceptacles.h. Attach T cable #2 AFT LOZ lead toINDICATOR LOZreceptacle.i. Attach T cable #2 AFT HIZ lead toINDICATOR HIZreceptacle.NOTEDo not attach T cable #2/AFT CP lead.j. Set test set FUNCT switch to MEASUREINT.k. Set test set SELECT switch to TU.l. Set test set TU SIMULATOR decade to 003.m. Adjust test set TU SIMULATOR vernierknob until LCD indicatordisplays 49.4 pf.If adjusted capacitance value is not within requiredtolerance, replace test set.n. Set test set FUNCT switch to AIRCRAFTONLY.o. Attach T cable connector P1 to fuel signalconditioner (A308)J1.p. Select 0–10 VDC scale on multimeter.Select multimeter to ON.q. Attach multimeter leads to receptacles on Tcable. Attach multimeter positive lead to Tcable + receptacle. Attach multimeternegative lead to T cable – receptacle.
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