TM 1-1520-238-T-711–11011–12.FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM – MAINTENANCE OPERATIONAL CHECK (cont)11–12WARNINGMaintenance personnel must be warned verbally prior to moving thecollective or cyclic stick. Any control activated can result in sudden blademovement that can sever or crush fingers or hands.CAUTIONIf controls bind, check problem prior to continuing procedure. Failure toclear controls of binding may result in sheared pins in the control axis.NOTEIf TRIM circuit breaker (pilot center circuit breaker panel) (fig. 11–46) doesnot stay closed, go to paragraph 11–16 if in FORCE TRIM ON,paragraph 11–17 if in FORCE TRIM OFF, or paragraph 11–18 if in FORCETRIM RELEASE.1. Complete maintenance operational check as follows:TaskResulta. With collective friction off, move pilotcollective stick (fig. 11–54) full up and down.If collective stick does not move up and downsmoothly (excessive force required) or is binding,visually check the collective stick guide for corrosionor other substances which may inhibit stickmovement. If such substance is found, remove it andrepeat the collective stick movement check. If no suchsubstance is found, check collective adjustment (partof pilot or CPG collective stick assembly installation inTM 1-1520-238-23).If collective stick does not travel full up and down tothe respective stop, go to paragraph 11–19.b. With collective friction off, move pilotcollective stick to mid position. Applycollective friction.If collective stick does not remain in position, checkthe collective friction adjustment.
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