TM 55-6930-214-10
Section I. GENERAL
2 - 1 . OPERATIONAL SYSTEM. T h e AH-64 CMS is a fixed-base simulation system designed
f o r t r a i n i n g i n t h e u s e o f A H - 6 4 A p a c h e h e l i c o p t e r s . F i g u r e 2-1 shows the recom-
m e n d e d general arrangement of a portion of the system complex within the Govern-
m e n t - b u i l t f a c i l i t y . The simulator room, where training is conducted, consists
of two instructor/trainee stations equipped with visual display systems. Bach sta-
t i o n is mounted on a six-degree-of-freedom hydraulic motion system and controlled
by a central computer system. The basic areas of the simulator complex are further
described in the following paragraphs.
2 - 2 . SIMULATOR COMPARTMENTS. T h e s i m u l a t o r r o o m c o n t a i n s s e p a r a t e m i s s i o n s i m u l a -
Each simulator compartment houses a cockpit station and an instructor/operator sta-
tion (IOS). The cockpit (trainee) stations are located in the forward portion of
t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e c o m p a r t m e n t s . E a c h CPG simulator compartment includes visual,
motion, and sound simulation. The pilot and CPG trainees can train either in inde-
pendent modes of operation with separate and unique flight conditions, or in an in-
t e g r a t e d mode with common training conditions.
a . The pilot trainee station is a replica of the aircraft pilot position and in-
cludes facsimiles of the cockpit window arrangements, pilot seat, main instrument
a n d c o n t r o l p a n e l , f l i g h t c o n t r o l s , integrated helmet and display sight system
( I H A D S S ) , pilot night vision sensor (PNVS), t a r g e t a c q u i s i t i o n / d e s i g n a t i o n s i g h t
( T A D S ) , and video display unit (VDU). L e f t a n d r i g h t e q u i p m e n t c o n s o l e s a r e a c t u a l
aircraft-type parts.
b . The CPG trainee station is a replica of the aircraft CPG position. Actual
aircraft cockpit equipment includes the main instrument and control panel, left and
r i g h t e q u i p m e n t c o n s o l e s , f l i g h t c o n t r o l s , i n t e g r a t e d helmet and display sight sys-
tem (IHADSS), optical relay tube (ORT), pilot night vision sensor (PNVS), target
acquisition/designation sight (TADS), and video recorder system (VRS).
c . All controls, indicators. and panels operate in a simulated condition and are
i d e n t i c a l in appearance to those in TM 55-1520-238-10. Operator's Manual for AH-64
Apache Helicopter.
d . T h r e e pairs of loudspeakers and one subwoofer in each simulator compartment
provide realistic aural cue sounds with characteristics correct in respect to loca-
tion, frequency, and loudness (within limits of safety). Aural cue sounds can be
varied in loudness by the instructor.
The trainee cockpit seats can be vibrated to simulate the continuous and
periodic oscillations and vibrations experienced by the crew during flight condi-
t i o n s and maneuvers. V i b r a t i o n s r e p r e s e n t i n g p r o g r e s s i v e m a l f u n c t i o n s a r e a l s o
simulated. Seat vibration is isolated from the remainder of the simulator com-
p a r t m e n t by means of damping elements in the seat mounting construction.