TM 55-6930-214-10
b. The parameter freeze feature is accessed through CRT page 160 (figure 7-13)
on the IOS CRT. Parameters that can be frozen art listed by lint number. To freeze
a given parameter, key in its line number at the keyboard and depress ENTER. To
unfreeze a frozen parameter, repeat the process. The parameter freeze page in-
cludes two command lines at the bottom, lines 88 and 99. To freeze all parameters
simultaneously, key in 88 ENTER. To clear all frozen parameters, key in 99 ENTER.
If all parameters are frozen, individual parameters cannot be selected to be unfro-
zen. Parameters that have been frozen art displayed in the status area of the CRT.
C. The parameter freeze feature is used to freeze one or more parameters. to re-
duce trainee task load, to assist the Instructional staff in preparing demonstra-
tions and autofly programs, and to freeze all parameters.
d. In the independent mode of operation, freezing a parameter in one cockpit has
no effect on the other cockpit. In integrated mode of operation, freezing a para-
meter In one cockpit also freezes it in the other.
e. The systems restore controls permit the Instructor to restore a system to its
basic state. The systems that can be restored are charge battery (line 21), charge
hydraulic accumulator (line 22), align HARS (line 23). and cool FLIR (line 24).
Use restore all systems (line 77) to Instantaneously restore the above items (lines
21 through 24).
f . The TADS/PNVS point Indicator display will display point indicator
It will display TADS, PNVS, or IHADSS, based on user selection.
Field of view will display N, M, W, or Z, for narrow, medium, wide, or zoom
In addition, the pilot or copilot azimuth and elevation angles are
displayed. No pilot or copilot information is displayed when power is off or no
selections were made.
7-29. PLIGHT MONITOR. The flight monitor page is a display-only page for monitor-
ing 34 different flight parameters. This page allows the instructor to evaluate
trainees performance during the simulation process. The flight monitor page
(figure 7-14) is
accessed through the data entry
keyboard by keying in 180
and is included on the IC index page.
7-30. VISUAL MODE HELP PAGE. This Page is a display-only page (figure 7-15) used
in conjunction with the IC and CC pages to aid the instructor in determining the
correct visual mode for the type of training to be accomplished, either integrated
or independent. This page displays visual resources for both the pilot and CPG.
The visual mode help page is in group 1 (IC/CC) and can be accessed via the data
entry keyboard by keying in 190 DISPL.
7-31. NAVIGATION/ COMMUNICATIONS. The nav/comm facilities pages 601 and 602 define
each navigation and communication facility in the gaming area. Each facility is
defined by the following:
a. The nav/comm facilities pages (figures 7-16 through 7-18) are in group 6
(NAV/COM) and can be accessed via the data entry keyboard by keying in 601 DISPL.
CRT page 602 can be accessed by depressing PAGE FWD or by keying in 602 DISPL.
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