TM 55-6930-214-10
The instructors can use the cross-country map displays to:
Monitor trainee enroute location and route
Maintain general orientation in visual gaming area
Monitor relationship between ownship location and threat
Record locations of object or tree strikes
Record periods of intervisibility and exposure to threat weapons
Show malfunction occurrences
Critique/debrief trainee performance via hardcopy feature
d. When intervisibility exists between the ownship and the target(s). the target
symbol is shown in high intensity on the cross-country map.
7-34. TACTICAL INSTRUMENT GAMING AREA DISPLAY. The tactical instrument gaming
area display is a graphic overview of the instrument navigational and approach
facilities available in the gaming area. It provides the instructor with the
capability of monitoring the trainee tactical Instrument route of flight.
The display (figures 7-22 and 7-23) includes the following characteristics:
(1) Symbology for nondirectional radio beacons.
(2) Symbology for GCA facilities.
(3) Two scales with a zoom capability (when zoom is on, CRT main page area is
cleared, except for ownship symbol):
40 x 32 kilometers with zoom off
6 x 6 kilometers with zoom on
(4) Ownship ground track trace which provides:
(a) 20-minute track history.
(b) 3-minute time marks.
(c) Event marks along track for:
Exceeding structural limits
Object/tree strikes
(d) Track erase.
( e ) Track recall.
(5) GCA select NO.
(6) GCA cancel.
(7) Activate NDB number.
(8) Fail NDB number.
(9) Remote designator.
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