TM 55-6930-214-10
b. The target types list page is used to identify the types of available tar-
gets. to select and enter targets into the simulation, and to determine whether a
target type has radar and/or weapons.
tion list for the 99 target sites In the visual gaming area. The list provides the
site name, site number, and site position in UTM coordinates. The site number is
the reference number used to designate a site when preparing TEE's or when using
the manually inserted targets via the target control page.
a. The first 20 target sites (01 through 20) have been designated as moving tar-
get sites (e.g., sites that have specific, preprogrammed ground or airborne path-
ways that targets will follow when notion is enabled and activated). Fifteen of
these roving target sites are ground sites (1 through 15) that can accommodate up
to five targets each. The targets move on separately numbered paths (1 through 5)
and generally follow the same route for approximately 15 kilometers. The remaining
five moving target sites (16 through 20) have been designed for use with aircraft.
The airborne sites each have a single flightpath. The aircraft maintains a fixed
altitude (MSL) throughout the route of flight. Hostile aircraft on any moving
target site have a hostile capability. If ownship enters designed firing cone
(approximately 20O from the threat aircraft CL out to maximum weapon range)
hostile helicopters will engage ownship until cone limits are exceeded.
b. The remaining 79 sites (21 through 99) are fixed target sites. These sites
have no pathways, and targets do not travel when positioned on them. When targets
are positioned at fixed sites, they can be designated as hostile; in that case,
both radar and weapons are directed against the ownship when hostile activities are
selected. Ground systems rotate and point toward the ownship prior to firing.
Hostile aircraft on fixed sites (excluding MI-24D, F) will come to 25 foot hover,
turn, and engage ownship until LOS is broken. The TEE and the manual target
control page are used to establish the initial criteria for hostile threat activity
and ownship hits. These criteria are evaluated in a threat algorithm (refer to
THREAT WEAPONS SCORING) to determine the outcome of the threat activity.
c. The target sites list page is in group 5 (TARGETS) and can be accessed via
the data entry keyboard by calling up CRT pages 532 through 535. The CRT page is
used to determine target sites names and positions/locations (UTM coordinates),
moving target sites, and airborne target sites.
graphic picture of the simulated visual gaming area indicating each target site
location by number within a 40- by 32-km area. When a target has been selected and
positioned on a target site. either manually or via activation of a TEE, a s y m b o l
appears on the target site overview identifying the specific type of target. Figure
7-45 shows the
symbols used to identify the different
targets from the target list.
Figure 7-45 also shows symbols used for
FARP's, NDB's, GCA's, ownship, malfunctions,
and 3-minute index marks. In addition to appearing on the target site overview
display, these symbols also appear on other graphic CRT pages (e.g.. cross-country
raps, battle position target site maps, etc.).
a. The target site overview page (figure 7-43) is in group 5 (TARGETS) and can
be accessed via the data entry keyboard and keying in 540 DISPL.
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