TM 55-6930-214-10
7-57.5 REMOTE DESIGNATION. The Remote Designation page (figure 7-66.2) is a map
page provided to show the following features:
20 km x 20 km map
Map centered on target of interest when max is selected
Remote designation position, range vector, and its angular constraint markings
when remote designator is active.
Ownship position and heading vector, and range vector
1 km markers on both range vectors
Target site, target type, remote designator code,
and remote designator location
In addition, the user can select to erase or recall the ownship track lines.
7-57.6 THREAT SCORING GRAPHICS. The threat scoring graphics page (figure 7-66.3)
is a plot page provided to graphically display the probability of hit and
acquisition for each of the latest 12 events. The minimum required probability
will also be shown on this page. The following data will be displayed for each
defined event:
Event number
Target type number
Change 2