TM 55-6930-214-10
f . The index and control area of CRT page 920 (AMI PREP IDENTIFIERS, figure
7-67) provides command reference numbers
(RRF #) so that
titles and or multiple
items can be keyed in with a single keystroke.
(1) Reference numbers 1 through 8 are used to enter the appropriate triggering
parameters. When reference number 1 through 8 is keyed in on a specific line, the
parameter title appears on that line of CRT page 920. The appropriate metrics for
parameters are shown in the parenthetical note behind the parameter (e.g., %, FT,
KIAS, MINS, etc.).
(2) Reference numbers 9 through 11 are
used to enter arithmetic operators of
>) the assigned value for the
less than, equal to, or greater than (<, =,
triggering parameter (00000 through 99999).
The assigned value must be keyed in as
a 5-digit entry after the associated operator
reference number (e.g., 9 TAB 02000
ENTER is the entry for less than 2000 feet).
Each parameter must have an operator
and a value assigned to trigger it.
(3) Reference numbers 12 and 13 are used to enter logical connectors. If more
than one parameter is to be associated with a malfunction, than a logical connector
(AND, OR) must be designated for all but the last parameter. Reference numbers 12
and 13 are used for these connectors. When AND is used as a connector, all para-
meters connected with AND must be met to trigger the malfunction. If OR is used as
a connector, any of the parameters connected by OR will trigger the malfunction
when it is met.
(4) Reference number 101 is used to clear a line (e.g., 5 TAB 101 clears line
5 ) . When a line which has other lines dependent on it is cleared the dependent
lines are also cleared (e.g., 2 TAB 101 clears lines 2, 3, 4 and 5).
g. During AMI preparation functions, the edit area of the CRT page provides
operator prompts for data input and error messages for any out-of-range or invalid
entries. Numerical inputs via the keyboard are echoed in the edit area with a
cursor to Indicate the next entry. When TAB is depressed between data fields, the
appropriate data input appears on the first line of the edit area (e.g., when 03
TAB is keyed In, the prompt appearing in the edit area states: ENTER PARAMETER REF
Each time ENTER is keyed in, the data in line 3 of the edit area
blanks and the data appears on that numbered line of the prep
page (main page area).
h. Table 7-13 indicates the procedure required to enter the worksheet data into
CRT page 920 and the prompts and data displayed in the edit area. In the entry
column are the numbers to be entered plus the appropriate action key (e.g., DISPL,
TAB, ENTER). The edit area dislays column depicts three line entries to include
(Blank) when nothing is shown and a line (
) for the cursor mark. This proce-
dure completes the required entries for the first malfunction and its associated
parameters. The process is continued for each additional malfunction (up to 10) to
be entered. The additional malfunctions use lines 06, 10, 14, etc.
Change 2