TM 55-6930-214-10
(a) Periods of pause can be inserted (during freeze or playback) to permit
extended audio commentary in the demo without a conflict between commentary and the
maneuver being demonstrated. The pause is inserted via the PAUSE SET command (line
07). The inserted pause(s) can be as long as desired, up to 5 minutes. However.
if a pause were inserted midway in a recording and the total record plus pause time
exceed 5 minutes, no additional recording time would be available for the demo. By
deleting pauses (line 09), the lost recording time can be regained. The period of
pause can be terminated and the recording continued by Inserting the PAUSE END
command (line 08). Remember, if the recording and pauses total 5 minutes,
additional demo activities cannot be added. Five minutes is the maximum time
available for a demo, Including all recording pauses.
(b) Slow-time periods are inserted during playback via the SLOWTIME SET com-
mand (line 10). Periods of slow-time are ended via the SLOW-TIME END command (line
11). Periods of slow-time can be removed by using the SLOW-TIME CLEAR command (line
(c) The PLAYBACK command (line 04) is active during pause and slowtime edit
activities and can be used to review the preparation.
(d) Up to ten segments are automatically numbered via the SET SEGMENT com-
mand (line 05). Nine of the segments can be inserted anywhere, and need not be
associated with pauses for freezes. Segment one is the beginning of the demo. The
segment identifies an individually addressable point within a demo that may be
desired for a future start point. These segments can be labeled with text to
identify and describe the segment. Segments can be identified and marked during
on-the-fly, playback, or during freezes. During playback and review, unwanted
segment marks can be deleted via the CLEAR SEGMENT command (line 06).
(e) The PLAYBACK command (line 04) is active during segmentation and can be
used to review the preparation up to this point.
(f) During playback of the demo, including periods of pause and slow-time.
audio commentary can be recorded and synchronized throughout the demo. The RECORD
AUDIO command (line 13) initiates recording.
(g) The audio commentary can then be monitored during subsequent playbacks
Via the MONITOR AUDIO command (line 14).
(h) When the demo is complete and ready for permanent storage and subsequent
recall during training, the instructor Inserts the PREP COMPLETE, SAVE DEMO FOR
REPLAY command (line 88). Demos are numbered 1 through 20 and are filed on CRT
pages 401 through 420, respectively.
(i) During preparation of a demo, the instructor should work on a temporary
storage or work disk. Incomplete demos or demos being edited can then be stored
for future access and preparation/editing activities until they are ready for the
Change 2 7-157