TB 1-1520-238-20-135
After installation ensure a minimum gap of .20 exists between bottom of
NAS1306-2 Bolt Head and Main Rotor Blade. Bend clip to acquire appropri-
ate gap.
10.13 Using tie down straps, P/N MS3367-1-0 secure bond jumpers to each other referencing (Fig. 2).
10.14 Perform class S electrical bond check per HP14-30 or MIL-STD-464 between the 7-211411188 clip
and the 7-311412119-1 bracket referencing (Fig. 3 and 4).
Sealant is flammable and toxic to eyes, skin and respiratory tract.
Skin/eye protection required. Avoid repeated or prolonged contact.
Good general ventilation is normally adequate. If injury occurs, seek
medical aid.
Ensure sealant is limited to chamfer at base of threads and clips
(7-311412119-1) is parallel to place as shown in figure 2 prior to sealing.
10.15 Using sealing compound P/N HMS16-1097*T2CB 7/2 or NSN 8030-01-396-5738, seal all joints
between bolts, nuts, washers, collars and clips to ensure no moisture seepage between parts. When sealing
around outside of 7-311412116-1 and 7-311412117-1 bushings, limit sealant to chamfer at base of threads.
Outside diameter of bushings to be free of sealant. A 24 hour cure time is required (Fig. 5).
10.15.1 Fill 7-311412116-1 bushing with sealant to top of cup to avoid pooling or retaining moisture around
10.15.2 Otherwise apply sealant sparingly, do not pot or glob areas.
10.16 Using red paint, type EPB4-230/D4 apply new blade folding fixture alignment stripes per dimensions
10.17 Anytime there are replacements to the Main Rotor Head or Blade on a modified aircraft that has been
affected by this TB, the user must ensure that all parts installed from this TB are transferred on to the new
component. If the entire kit is to be removed, ensure all added parts are retained for future installation.