TB 1-1520-238-20-139
7.4.1. Main Rotor - 10. Rotating swashplate for cracks, corrosion, grease leakage, and security of lower seal.
Pitch link connection bosses for bending, misalignment, and worn or loose bushings. (Every 50 hr, include
dial indicator check of bearings and turning of swashplate by hand with lower end of pitch controls discon-
nected at swashplate to listen and feel for roughness or binding.)
7.4.2. Main Rotor - 10. Visually inspect stationary swashplate for cracks and corrosion. Lateral and torque
link connection bosses for bending, misalignment, and worn or loose bushings. Access T205L, T205R, T225.
7.4.3. Main Rotor - 10. Visually inspect rotating scissors for cracks, corrosion, and security. Pivot bearings
for wear.
7.4.4. Main Rotor - 10. Visually inspect longitudinal and lateral torque links for cracks, dents, scratches, and
corrosion. Attachment bolts for security. Bearings for looseness.
7.4.5. Main Rotor - 10. Visually inspect longitudinal, lateral, and collective bellcranks and attachment bolts
for cracks, distortion, corrosion, and excessive play. Check floating bushing clamp-up to rod ends.
7.4.6. Main Rotor - 10. Visually inspect lower shoe for worn scissors bearing and worn plunger bearings.
The Environmental Control System Inspections is one of the AH-64A and
AH-64D Model specific inspection item in this TB that are different. A 125
or 250 hours inspection is performed on the systems in the airframe speci-
fied in the inspection procedures. The 125 hours inspection for the ENCU
AH-64A is currently listed as a special inspection and therefore does not re-
quire addition to TM 1-1520-238-23-1.
7.5. Add 250 Hour Environmental Control System Inspections (AH-64D only).
leaking and integrity. Inspect ECS system components for signs of leakage or overheating and proper
installation. Evacuate and recharge the Environmental Control System.
leaking and integrity. Inspect ECS system components for signs of leakage or overheating and proper
installation. Evacuate and recharge the Environmental Control System.
7.6. Add Main Rotor Hub Nut Inspection.
7.6.1. 250 Hours/6 Months Magnetic Particle inspection on basic and 7-311411102-3 M/R retention nut (TM
7.6.2. 250 Hours Magnetic Particle Inspection on 7--311411102--5 M/R Retention Nut (TM 1--1520--264--23).
The old non-stainless Main Landing Gear Mount is an AH-64A Model spe-
cific inspection that will require addition to TM 1-1520-238-23-1.
7.7. Add 250 Hour Main Landing Gear Inspection (AH-64A only).
7.7.1. Left FAB and MLG - 3. (Old Design, PN 7--311113409--3 only) Remove main gear shock strut. Inspect
from the base of the mount to the end of the shaft. Inspect for pits, groves, scratches and for cracks using
Magnetic Particle inspection. Check for distortion or looseness, loose or missing rivets or hardware.
7.7.2. Right FAB and MLG - 4. (Old Design, PN 7--311113409--4 only) Remove main gear shock strut. Inspect
from the base of the mount to the end of the shaft. Inspect for pits, groves, scratches and for cracks using
Magnetic Particle inspection. Check for distortion or looseness, loose or missing rivets or hardware.
7.8. Add 250 Hour Wing Mount and Flange Inspection.