TB 1-1520-238-20-139
11.1.8. TM 1-1520-238-PMS, Preventive Maintenance Services Inspection Checklist For Army AH-64A
11.1.9. TM 1-1520-238-23 Series Manuals, Aviation Unit and Intermediate Maintenance Manual, Helicopter,
Attack, AH-64A Apache.
11.1.10. TM 1-1520-Longbow/Apache (IETM), Interactive Electronic Technical Manual, Aviation Unit and
Intermediate Maintenance Manual Helicopter, Attack, AH-64D Longbow Apache.
11.1.11. TM 1-1520-251-PM, Phase Maintenance Inspection Checklist For Army AH-64D Helicopter.
11.1.12. TM 1-1520-251-PMD, Preventive Maintenance Daily Inspection Checklist For Army AH-64A Heli-
This Technical Bulletin is the authority to implement/update the manuals
listed below until the changes to these manuals are published by The
Army's Publishing Directorate (APD).
11.2. The following publications require change as a result of this Technical Bulletin.
11.2.1. TB 55-1500-337-24, Phase Maintenance System For Army Aircraft.
11.2.2. TM 1-1500-328-23, Aeronautical Equipment Maintenance Management Policies and Procedures.
11.2.3. TM 1-1520-238-PM, Phase Maintenance Inspection Checklist For Army AH-64A Helicopter.
11.2.4. TM 1-1520-238-PMS, Preventive Maintenance Services Inspection Checklist For Army AH-64A
11.2.5. TM 1-1520-238-23 Series Manuals, Aviation Unit and Intermediate Maintenance Manual, Helicopter,
Attack, AH-64A Apache.
11.2.6. TM 1-1520-Longbow/Apache (IETM), Interactive Electronic Technical Manual, Aviation Unit and
Intermediate Maintenance Manual Helicopter, Attack, AH-64D Longbow Apache.
11.2.7. TM 1-1520-251-PM, Phase Maintenance Inspection Checklist For Army AH-64D Helicopter.
12. WEIGHT AND BALANCE. Not Applicable.
13.1. The following forms and records are applicable and are to be completed IAW DA Pam 738-751.
13.1.1. DA Form 2408-13, Aircraft Status Information Record.
13.1.2. DA Form 2408-13-1, Aircraft Inspection and Maintenance Record.
13.1.3. DA Form 2408-15, Historical Record for Aircraft.
13.1.4. Da Form 2408-18, Equipment Inspection List.
14.1. Primary Technical Point of Contact is Mr. Lee Bumbicka, Commercial (256) 705-9846, DSN 897-9846.
E-mail is lee.bumbicka@rdec.redstone.army.mil.
14.2. Alternate Technical Point of Contact is Mr. Malcolm Fuller, Commercial (256) 705-9783, DSN
897-9783. E-mail is malcolm.fuller@rdec.redstone.army.mil.
14.3. Primary Logistical Point of Contact is Mr. Wayne Fusselman, Commercial (256) 313 4043, DSN
897-4043. E-mail is wayne.fusselman@us.army.mil.
14.4. Alternate Logistical Point of Contact is Mr. Michael Sharp, Commercial (254) 287-9399, DSN
737-9399. E-mail is michael.e.sharp@us.army.mil.
14.5. Forms and Records Point of Contact is Ann Waldeck, Commercial (256) 876-5564, DSN 746-5564.
E-mail is ann.waldeck@redstone.army.mil.