TB 1-1520-238-20-62
7. Parts to be Inspected. N/A.
8. Inspection.
Perform the deactivation procedure identified in
paragraph 9. If
deactivation is
not elected, no
further action is required. However, proceed to paragraph 9., 6 for Main Rotor Blade procurement information.
9. Correction Procedures.
(1) Part I - Locate, pull and tie wrap the Blade De-ice (1 amp) and the Blade De-ice Controller
(5 amp) circuit breakers in the Pilot's Overhead Aft CB Panel.
(2) Part II - Access the Blade De-ice Relay XK-6 by first removing the Electrical Power
Distribution Box Cover per paragraph 9.9 of TM 1 -1520-238-23. Next, gain access to the XK-1
terminal block per paragraph 9.10 (Electrical Power Distribution Box Relay Cover) of TM 1-
1520-238-23. Locate and remove the relay located at position 6 on the XK-1 terminal block
(Refer to TM 55-1520-238 23P, figure 394 for location, and refer to TM 1 -1520-238-23,
paragraph 9.139 for removal). Install Relay Cover and Electrical Power Distribution Box Cover
after a technical inspector has confirmed that the correct relay was removed. Note that per DA
Form 2408-13 the Blade De-ice System is non-functional. A functional check of the windshield
and pitot tube heating systems shall be performed in order to ensure proper operation.
b. Main Rotor Blade Requisitioning Information. Due to failures of some Main Rotor Blade Heater
Blanket(s), unique part numbers and NSNs have been assigned as determined by operable and
inoperable heater blankets. The following tables are provided as an aid in acquisition of appropriate
For units that need only blades with de-ice capability, requisition using NSN
For units that need only blades with inoperable heater blankets, use NSN
Regardless of the NSN used for requisitioning, if advice code 2B is not used,
units will be issued blades from either table 1 or 2 as supply availability
Table 1. Blades with Operable Heater Blankets
Table 2. Blades with Inoperable Heater Blankets
7-311412000 A
7-311412000 3A