TB 1-1520-238-20-70
e. Maintenance Trainers (Category A and B). N/A.
f. Components/Parts in Stock at All Levels (Depot and Others) Including War Reserves - Upon receipt of this TB,
the material condition tags of all items in all condition codes listed in paragraph 6 below shall be annotated to read
"'Replacement of Inboard Balance Weight Attachment Bolts not complied with
(1) Materiel Located in All Wholesale Depots Including All Satellite Wholesale Depots and War Reserve Depots
- Report receipt of this TB in accordance with paragraph 14c(1). Upon receipt of this TB, Depot Commanders and others
maintaining wholesale stock shall ensure that serviceable materiel (Condition Codes //A//, //B//, and //C//) is placed in
condition code J and tagged with a suspended tag/label - Materiel DD Form 1576/1576-1. Annotate the remarks block
with "Replacement of Inboard Balance Weight Attachment Bolts, not complied with. Do not remove existing materiel
(2) Materiel Located in Installation/Unit Storage - Report receipt of this TB in accordance with paragraph 14c(2).
Upon receipt of this TB, commanders and others maintaining retail stock shall contact the supported aviation
organization to perform the inspection required by paragraph 8 and to perform the correction procedures of paragraph 9
on discrepant materiel. Report compliance with this TB in accordance with paragraph 14d(2).
g. Components/Parts in Work - Assembly components listed in paragraph 6 will not be issued until compliance with
this TB.
2. Task/lnspection Suspense Date. Within 10 hours/14 days.
3. Reporting Compliance Suspense Date. No
later than 9
August 1996 per para 14a of
this TB. This publication is
effective until 31 July 1998 unless sooner rescinded or superseded.
4. Summary of Problem.
a. There have been cases of the main rotor blade shouldered studs PIN 7-211412071 -3 cracking due to hydrogen
b. For manpower/downtime and funding impacts refer to paragraph 12.
The purpose of this TB is to ensure the replacement of the affected shouldered studs.
5. End Items to be inspected. Paragraph 8
lists the affected main rotor blades by
serial number.
6. Assembly Components to be Inspected:
Blade, Main Rotor
Blade, Main Rotor
Blade, Main Rotor
Blade, Main Rotor