TB 1-1520-238-20-92
for the near term, and also serve to identify suspect units for further evaluation by technical personnel.
b. For manpower/downtime and funding impacts. One man-hour is required to perform the CBHK self check
c. The purpose of this Technical Bulletin is to require a one-time inspection of the 7-362300003-603 CBHK. This
inspection will be performed in accordance with reference 13.a set-up/self-check procedures for the Trivial Measuring
System (TMs) components.
5. End Items to be Inspected. N/A.
6. Assembly Components to be Inspected. 7-362300003-603 CBHK.
7. Parts to be Inspected. The
TMs Transmitter, Receiver, and Control Display Unit (CUD).
8. Inspection Procedures. The
components listed in
paragraph 6 above shall be
mounted on
the TMs set-up fixture to
perform the set-up procedures. Performance of the set-up procedures will determine if the TMs is acceptable for use.
Once this is complete, the serial numbers of these components should be forwarded to the Pocus below. Additionally, if
any of the components fail the set-up procedures, contact the Pocus below.
9. Correction Procedures. Replacement components are in limited stock, but can be expedited to the requiring units on
a case by case basis.
10. Supply/Parts and Disposition. N/A.
11. Special Tools, Jigs and Fixtures Required. N/A.
12. Application.
a. Category of Maintenance. ALUM/VIM for CBHK check.
b. Estimated Cost Impact of Stock Fund Items to the Field. N/A.
c. TB/MOWS to be Applied Prior to or Concurrently with this Inspection. N/A.
d. Publications Which Require Change as a Result of This Technical Bulletin. N/A.
13. References.
a. TM 9-4935-476-13, Aviation Unit and Intermediate Maintenance Manual, for Captive Boresight Harmonization
Kit (Used on Army AH-64A Helicopter), dated 15 December 1988.