TB 1-1520-238-30-14
Rework Procedures.
Rivet replacement shall be accomplished one bay length (rib to rib) per Spar at a
time. Exercise extra care during rivet removal not to enlarge the rivet holes. Use
temporary fasteners (Cleco fasteners or equivalent) in the surrounding rivet holes,
while performing the riveting operation. It is not necessary to retrieve the rivet
shop heads from inside the airframe structure.
a. Remove the suspect rivet(s) lAW, TM 1-1500-204-23-10. Ref. Figure No. 1 for Rivet Removal.
b. Inspect each hole for elongation or damage lAW, TM 1-1500-204-23-10.
c. If the rivet hole(s) are undamaged and concentric, install new rivets as listed below. If the holes are damaged
refer to step c.4 of this TB for further instructions.
(1) Clean the hole of oil, debris and burrs.
The standard Gage Rivet Selector (3P5 or equivalent) may be used to determine
the grip for the CR6253 rivet.
(3) Inspect holes for a proper rivet grip length in the clamped-up condition.
The rivet called out in Table no. I. are the preferred rivets to use in this procedure.
If any of the hole diameters is larger than the ranges of the hole limits described in
this table, the holes must be oversized and fasteners installed per Table no. II. If
any of the hole diameters a larger than the ranges of the hole limits described in
(4) Select the proper diameter, grip length and type of rivet, reference Table I and II. If any of the hole
diameters are between the ranges of the hole limits described in Table I and II or if a hole is elongated or
damaged, ream and install the next-size-larger rivet(s). If using the Visu-Lok blind fasteners PLT251-5,
Do not shave the rivet stem(s) after installation.
(5) Install the rivets wet with primer (MIL-S-81733), IAW TM 1-1500-204-23-10.