TB 1--1520--251--20--02
(12) Remove sleeving from repair kit and position on radome until edge of tab is overlapped 1/4--inch to 1/2--inch on
radome and at least 1/4--inch on sensor housing (see Figure 5).
(13) Thermally protect newly replaced radome and adjacent radomes from heat (using scraps from old radome, etc.).
Exercise caution when using heat gun on active portion of radome. Heat deformation can
(14) Apply heat to sleeving with heat gun, turning frequently to prevent uneven heat.
Be careful when repositioning sleeving. Heated sleeving can become extremely hot and
burn hand or fingers.
(15) If sleeving becomes displaced during initial stage of process, carefully reposition sleeving with fingers, needle nose
pliers or wooden end of cotton swab. Continue heating process until sleeving becomes snug around complete perimeter
of radome.
It is critical to verify that heating was properly applied to sleeving. There must be visible evi-
dence of squeeze out along the entire perimeter of the sleeving ends. This shows that the
sleeving was correctly heated. If adhesive squeezes out, but wetting of the radome and
housing is not seen, thermal protection for affected radomes must be reinstalled. Sleeving
must be reheated while applying pressure on sleeving until squeeze out is acceptable.
(16) If cured adhesive is found on active radome surface, carefully remove it with orange stick or equivalent. If adhesive
cannot be removed, repeat radome installation with new radome.
(17) Remove all thermal protection used during shrink sleeving installation.
10. Supply Parts and Disposition. Not Applicable
11. Special Tools, Jigs, and Fixtures. Not Applicable
a Category of Maintenance. AVIM.
b Time Required. Not Applicable
c Estimated Cost Impact to the Field. Not Applicable
d TB/MWOs to be Applied Prior to or Concurrently with this Inspection. Not Applicable
e Publications Which Require Change as a Result of This Inspection. Interactive Electronic Technical manual (IETM):
TM 1--Longbow/Apache IETM, 1 September 2000 and subsequent. until the printed change is received.
13. References. Interactive Electronic Technical manual (IETM): TM 1--Longbow/Apache IETM, 1 September 2000 and
14. Recording and Reporting Requirements. Not Applicable
15. Weight and Balance. Not Applicable
16. Points of Contact. Technical point of contact for this TB is Mr. lee Bumbicka, AMSAM--RD--AE--I--P--A, DSN
897--4925 or commercial 256--313--4925, datafax DSN 897--4923 or commercial 256--313--4923, email "lee.bum-
17. Reporting of Errors and Recommending Improvements. You can improve this TB. If you find any mistakes or
know of a way to improve these procedures, please let us know. Mail your letter or DA Form 2028 (Recommended
Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) directly to The following address: Commander, U.S. Army Aviation and Mis-
sile command, ATTN: AMSAM--MMC--MA--NP, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898--5230. You may also submit your recom-
mended changes by sending e--mail directly to "2028@redstone.army.mil". A reply will be furnished directly to you. in-
structions for sending an electronic 2028 may be found at the back of this manual.