TB 1--1520--251--20--05
The following procedure may be used to replace the lifting lug with the APU installed on,
or removed from the aircraft. It is not necessary to remove the APU for the sole purpose
of replacing the lifting lug.
(1) Remove the 2 bolts (p/n ms9556--07) and 2 washers (P/N AN960C10l) that fasten the top of
the two piece inlet plenum together. Separate the plenum halves to form a gap of approximately one inch.
This will provide sufficient space to loosen and slide the lifting lug bolts out one at a time.
(2) Remove the two piece welded lifting lug IAW the IETM (APU system, APU installation, power
section assy, bracket, Lifting, APU, repair by remove and install).
The mounting bolts are to be removed by rotating the gap formed in paragraph 9d(1) behind
each of the four lifting lug mounting bolts and removing the bolts.
(3) Install the one piece lifting lug IAW the IETM (APU System, APU installation, power section
assy, bracket, lifting, APU, repair by remove and install).
The mounting bolts are to be installed by rotating the gap formed in paragraph 9d(1) behind
each of the four lifting lug mounting bolt holes and installing the bolts.
(4) Install the 2 bolts and 2 washers to the upper inlet plenum and the lower inlet plenum. Torque
to 30 inch pounds.
When re--installing the upper and lower inlet plenum halves, insure that all gaskets are in
place and that plenum edges are securely in place.
e. Clear the red diagonal "/" entries required by paragraph 9a(1) and 9a(3).
10. Supply/Parts and Disposition.
a. Parts required--Items cited in paragraph 7 will be required to replace defective items.
b. Requisitioning Instructions-- Contact the Log POC paragraph 16b for requisitioning inspections.
The lifting lug will be issued as a direct exchange at the contractor logistics support (CLS)
window at no cost to the unit.
c. Bulk and Consumable Materials. N/A.
d. Disposition. Dispose of removed parts/components in accordance with normal supply procedures.
A QDR is not required.
e. Disposition of Hazardous Material. IAW Environmental Protection Agency Directives as implement-
ed by your servicing environmental coordinator (AR 200--1).
11. Special Tools, Jigs and Fixtures Required. N/A.
a. Category of Maintenance. AVUM. Aircraft downtime will be charged to AVUM.
b. Time Required.
(1) To inspect the APU lifting lug-- .5 man-hours using 1 person.
(2) To install a one piece APU lifting lug. 1.0 hours downtime for one end item.
(3) Total of 1.5 hours downtime for one end item.