The application of MWO 1--1520--251--55--06, software changes for the generator control unit,
does not have to be completed prior to removing the flight restrictions imposed by this TB.
However, the unit commander is still required to track and report final installation of MWO
1--1520--251--55--06 and MWO 1--1520--251--55--07.
c. If MWO 1--1520--251--55--07 has not been applied, and/or a replacement HPSM is not available cor-
rect IAW paragraph 9b.
Correction Procedures.
Critical data for analysis will be lost if the following procedures are not met. In the event of any
multiple MPD blanking, shutdown the aircraft and do not attempt to trouble shoot and/or ener-
gize the aircraft electrical system until after contacting the Tech POC in paragraph 16a.
Prior to conducting terrain flight operations, unit commanders will ensure that all personnel
complete the training required IAW paragraph 9c.
a. If MWO 1--1520--251--55--07 has been applied, and suspect HPSM's have been replaced, perform
the following:
(1) Clear the red horizontal dash entry required IAW paragraph 1a of this TB.
(2) The inspection and correction for this aircraft is complete.
b. If MWO 1--1520--251--55--07 has not been applied, and/or a suspect HPSM has not been replaced,
perform the following:
(1) Clear the red horizontal dash entry required IAW paragraph 1a of this TB.
(2) Clear the circle red "x" entry required IAW paragraph 1a and 9b of TB 1--1520--251--20--01
and enter a new circle red "x" status symbol. The circle red "x" entry shall state: "Aircraft restricted IAW TB
1--1520--251--20--07". While the aircraft is on circle red "x" it may be reported fully mission capable (FMC).
The following restrictions will continue to apply until the required MWO and replacement HPSM's have been
(3) When MWO 1--1520--251--55--07 required IAW paragraph 8b has been completed, and sus-
pect HPSM's replaced, the circle red "x" status required IAW paragraph 9b(2) will be cleared.
Risk management procedures and training plans required IAW TB 1--1520--251--20--07 remain in
10. Supply/Parts and Disposition.
a. Parts Required. Items cited in paragraph 12c may be required to replace defective items.
b. Requisitioning Instructions. Contact the Log POC paragraph 16b for requisitioning instructions.
The HPSM will be issued by direct exchange at the contractor logistics support (CLS) window
at no cost to the unit.
c. Bulk and Consumable Materials. N/A.
d. Disposition. Contact the Log POC paragraph 16b for requisitioning instructions for disposition in-
e. Disposition of Hazardous Material. IAW EPA directives as implemented by your servicing environ-
mental coordinator (AR 200--1).
11. Special Tools, Jigs and Fixtures Required. N/A.