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The crew compartments are arranged in tandem and are
separated by a ballistic shield (fig 2-13). The pilot sits aft
of the CPG. Handholds and steps permit both crewmem-
bers to enter and exit at the right side of the helicopter. A
canopy covers both crew stations. The canopy frame and
the transparent ballistic shield form a rollover structure. To
provide for maximum survival and minimum vulnerability,
armored seats are installed in both crew compartments.
Seats stroke downward during a crash
and any obstruction may increase the
possibility of injury. Items should not be
placed beneath seats.
The pilot and CPG seats (fig 2-14) provide ballistic protec-
tion and can be adjusted for height only. They are one-
piece armored seats equipped with back, seat, and lum-
bar support cushions. Each seat is equipped with a
shoulder harness lap belt, crotch belt, and inertial reel.
The shoulder harness and belts have adjustment fittings
and come together at a common attachment point. This
provides a single release that can be rotated either clock-
wise or counterclockwise to simultaneously release the
shoulder harness and all belts.
2.13.1 Seat Height Adjustment.
Vertical seat adjust-
ment is controlled by a lever on the right front of the seat
bucket. When the lever is pulled out (sideways), the seat
can be moved vertically approximately 4 inches and
locked at any 3/4-inch interval. Springs counterbalance
the weight of the seat. The lever returns to the locked
position when released.
With the collective in other than fulldown
position, the inertia reel control handle
may be inaccessible.
2.13.2 Shoulder Harness Inertia Reel Lock Lever.
two-position shoulder harness inertia reel lock lever is
installed on the lower left side of each seat (fig 2-14).
When the lever is in the aft position, the shoulder harness
lock will engage only when a forward force of 1-1/2 to 2Gs
is exerted on the mechanism. In the forward position, the
shoulder harness lock assembly is firmly locked. Whenev-
er the inertia reels lock because of deceleration forces,
they remain locked until the lock lever is placed in forward
and then aft position.
2.13.3 Chemical, Biological, Radiological (CBR) Fil-
ter/Blower Mounting Bracket.
The left side armored
wing of each seat has a mounting bracket (fig 2-14) with
an electrical interface connector for a CBR filter/blower.