TM 1-1520-238-10Change 22-83Table 2-4.Pilot Caution/Warning Light Segments - continuedWord SegmentIllumination Parameter or FaultColorFUEL PSI ENG 2REDNo. 2 engine fuel pressure is less than 9 psi.ECSAMBERThe overheat sensor has sensed a mixed air FAB temperature greaterthan 105 F (41 C).APU ONAMBERAPU operation when APU NG speed is above 95%.APU FAILAMBERIndicates one of the following: APU thermocouple malfunction,overtemperature, overspeed, low APU oil pressure, or overcurrent.VIB GRBXAMBERIntermediate or tail rotor gearbox vibration level is excessive.FUEL XFRAMBERTRANS switch is in the TO FWD or TO AFT position and fuel transfer isnot occurring.FUEL XFRModified C/W panelGREENTRANS selected, transfer is occurring.FUEL XFRModified C/W panelAMBERTRANS selected, transfer is not occurring.X FEEDModified C/W panelGREENCROSSFEED selected, fuel valves are correctly positioned.X FEEDModified C/W panelAMBERCROSSFEED selected, fuel valves are incorrectly positioned.ADSAMBERFailed system.BOOST PUMP ONAMBERBoost pump operation is on and providing 8 to 10 psi in fuel line to fuelfilter.RDR JAMAMBERAN/ALQ-136 has failed, is off, or is in a warm-up cycle.IR JAMAMBERAN/ALQ-144 has failed, or is in warm-up/cool-down cycle.Table 2-5.CPG Caution/Warning Light Segments Word SegmentColorIllumination Parameter or FaultIFFREDMode 4 is not able to respond to interrogation.ENG 1AMBEROne or a combination of the following: engine oil pressure low, engine oilfilter in bypass, engine chips, engine fuel filter in bypass, engine fuelpressure low, nose gearbox chips, nose gearbox oil pressure low, nosegearbox oil temperature high.MAIN XMSN 1AMBEROne or a combination of the following: transmission oil temperature high,oil pressure low.GUNAMBERFailed system.
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