TM 1-1520-238-10Change 22-85Table 2-5.CPG Caution/Warning Light Segments – continuedWord SegmentIllumination Parameter or FaultColorFUEL XFERAMBERTRANS switch is in the TO FWD or TO AFT position and fuel transfer isnot occurring.FUEL XFRModified C/W panelGREENTRANS selected, transfer is occurring.FUEL XFRModified C/W panelAMBERTRANS selected, transfer is not occurring.X FEEDModified C/W panelGREENCROSSFEED selected, fuel valves are correctly positioned.X FEEDModified C/W panelAMBERCROSSFEED selected, fuel valves are incorrectly positioned.ADSAMBERFailed system.2.53 HEADSET AUDIO WARNING SYSTEM.In addition to the visual cues to help crewmembers identi-fy faults, audio signals are provided as an aid in rapid rec-ognition of critical conditions. These audio signals are de-scribed in table 2-6.Table 2-6.Audio Warning Signals ToneSignalRising frequencyENGINE OUTRising frequencyROTOR RPM LOWSteady toneSTAB FAILSteady, amplitude modulatedIFFFalling frequencyMISSILE ALERTDependent on threat radarRADAR WARNING ALERTIntermittentRADIO IN SECURE MODE
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