TM 1-1520-238-10
Table 2-9.
Approved Oils
Approved Domestic Commercial Oils for MIL-L-7808
Manufacturers Name
Manufacturers Designation
American Oil and Supply Co.
PQ Turbine Oil 8365
Humble Oil and Refining Co.
ESSO/ENCO Turbo Oil 2389
Mobile Oil Corp.
Approved Domestic Commercial Oils for MIL-L-23699
Manufacturers Name
Manufacturers Designation
Americal Oil and Supply Co.
PQ Turbine Lubricant 5247/
Bray Oil Co.
Brayco 899/899-G/899-S
Castrol Oil Co.
Castrol 205
Chevron International Oil Co., Inc.
Jet Engine Oil 5
Crew Chemical Corp.
STO-21919/STO-21919A/STD 6530
W.R. Grace and Co. (Hatco Chemical Div.)
HATCOL 3211/3611
Humble Oil and Refining Co.
Turbo Oil 2380 (WS-6000)/2395
Mobile Oil Corp.
RM-139A/RM-147A/Avrex S
Turbo 260/Avrex S Turbo 265
Mobile 254
Royal Lubricants Co.
Royco 899 (C-915)/899SC/
Stauffer Jet II
Shell Oil Co., Inc.
Aeroshell Turbine Oil 500
Shell International Petroleum Co., Ltd.
Aeroshell Turbine Oil 550
Standard Oil Co., of California
Chevron Jet Engine Oil 5
Stauffer Chemical Co.
Stauffer 6924/Jet II
Texaco, Inc.
SATO 7377/7730 TL-8090
Approved Foreign Commercial Oils for MIL-L-7808
Data not available at this time.
Approved Foreign Commercial Oils for MIL-L-23699
Data not available at this time.