TM 1-1520-238-10
Table 3-2.
CSC Panel Control and Indicator Functions continued
MIC Switch
Used when all maintenance headsets have dynamic microphones. (Pilot and CPG IHADSS
helmets have linear microphones).
Used to communicate between pilot and CPG with IHADSS helmets; and between pilot/CPG
with IHADSS helmets and maintenance personnel at wing stations. In the latter case,
maintenance headsets must have a linear microphone or a compensating adapter.
If the pilot communication control panel MIC switch is in the 2 position, headsets connected to the right
wing station ICS connector must also have a linear microphone or compensating adapter. If the CPG
communication control panel MIC switch in the 2 position, headsets connected to the left wing station
ICS connector must also be configured correctly.
3.5.2 Modes of Operation.
There are several methods
of intercommunication operation. In all cases, no operator
action is required to receive intercom signals other than
adjusting the VOL control for a comfortable level at the
3.5.3 Intercommunication for Crewmembers.
mitting and receiving is accomplished by both crewmem-
bers in the following manner:
1. Transmitter selector switch is set to ICS when
the pilot is using the ICS floor switch. The trans-
mitter selector switch may be set at any position
when using either cyclic stick RADIO/ICS switch
in the ICS position.
2. The RADIO/ICS switch on either cyclic stick grip
should be pressed to ICS or the CPG foot-oper-
ated ICS switch should be pressed (ground crew
must press a push-to-talk button on their ICS
cord) to talk on the ICS. Speak into the micro-
phone while pressing any of these switches. Re-
lease switch to listen.
3.5.4 External Radio Communication.
Both crew-
members are able to communicate with external receiving
station in the following manner:
1. Transmitter selector switch is set to the desired
position, 1 thru 3, for either crew station. Pilot
sets to 5 (C-10414) or RMT (C-11746) if he
wishes to use the remote transmit select switch.
2. RADIO/ICS rocker switches Press the cyclic
stick grip RADIO rocker switch or the radio
transmit floor switch. Speak into microphone
while pressing switch. Release to listen.
3.5.5 Receiver Selection.
switch(s) to ON as desired and adjust volume to a com-
fortable listening level.
3.6 RADIO SET AN/ARC-186(V).
Radio Set AN/ARC-186(V) is a VHF FM-AM transceiver
that provides clear and secure voice communication ca-
pability at frequencies in the VHF AM and FM bands. The
radio set has a guard frequency of 40.500 MHz for FM and
a 121.500 MHz for AM. Over a frequency range of 108.00
MHz to 115.975 MHz, it functions as a receiver for the re-
ception of (AM) transmissions. At frequencies in the range
of 116.000 MHz to 151.975 MHz, the set operates both as
an AM receiver and AM transmitter. From 108.000 MHz
to151.975 MHz, a total of 1760 AM voice communication
channels spaced at 25 kHz is provided by the set. In a
range of frequencies extended from 30.000 MHz to
87.975 MHz, it functions both as an FM receiver and FM
transmitter. Operating in this frequency range, it provides
2320 FM voice communication channels with a spacing of
25 kHz. The radio set also provides 20 channel presets
which can be any combination of AM or FM frequencies.
Automatic tuning to both AM and FM emergency frequen-
cies (121.5 MHz and 40.5 MHz, respectively) is provided
by setting only one control. Power output of the transmitter
is 10 watts.